27 August 2011

Vet Bills: Lesson Learned

Reading: Empire Falls by Richard Russo

What my $8 kitten is costing me these days:
A very pregnant Denali
  • Sterilization shot from shoddy vet - $12
  • Sonograph to determine the source of mystery lumps - $45
  • Hysterectomy - $120 
  • Oophorectomy - $40
  • Antibiotics - $9
Total cost: $226

Lesson learned: Just get your cat spayed the normal way, BUT make sure that it's done by a legit vet... and stay away from sterilization shots - they result in swollen mammary glands and an infect uterus and ovaries. Bad story.

Side note: I'll be back in the states for a nice little vacay (and Miranda & Mitch's wedding) in 25 days. So excited.

1 comment:

  1. Ewww. That is no fun. That´s like most of a month´s living allowance. Poor Denali. Should I be buying/bringing cat food to Tumbaco for a new kitten? Let me know.
